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 In-Person Worship Services!
Sunday Mornings - 10a.m.

Watching from Home?  Visit our Facebook page to participate via our livestream!


More than a Church...

We're a Church Family!

Looking for a place to belong...a spot to call 'home?'
We invite you to join us for the journey!  Here, you'll find real people with a real love for the one, real Savior, Jesus Christ!  You'll find encouragement and support, folks to lift you up in prayer...people who are learning and growing, just like you.  You'll find authenticity...true friendship and sweet fellowship!
Here, you'll find a place to call 'Home.'  You'll find a people to call 'Family!'




Weekly Schedule

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Sunday Mornings

Sunday School - 8:45-9:30a.m.

(Sunday School not meeting during August.)

Worship Service - 10a.m.

Come a little earlier, and enjoy something from our coffee bar, and some great fellowship in our Fellowship Cafe!


Mid-Week Bible Studies

Wednesday Nights - 6:30p.m.

(not meeting during August)




Saturday Mornings

Prayer Gathering - 10a.m.

(except on weeks of Women's B'fast)

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First Baptist Church

111 Plymouth Street     

No. Middleboro, MA  02346

(508) 947-5382

Visit us on Facebook and YouTube!
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